Week 7


Besides from the half presentation, we collected feedback on Narrative Episode 1 and began working on Episode 2. In addition, we’re exploring Navmesh-based point-and-click movement for smoother interactions. We’ve also initiated work on a UI notification system and started incorporating character static poses with facial expressions to enhance the dialogue experience.


We are trying our best to include key moments in the game that lead to achieving the transformational goals.

Episode 1 flowchart

Episode 2 – Initial brainstorming


We have been working hard to keep our website up to date and also user-friendly. We’ve also initiated work on a UI notification system.


We have started adding poses to our character along with facial expressions. The idea is to test what poses look best with our current dialogues.


we’re exploring Navmesh-based point-and-click movement for smoother and more intuitive user controls.