Week 5

This week the team has finalized the gameplay for GDC and started to make some prototypes for the tech.

Prototype testing

Problem Faced

During the process, we encountered a problem that it became blurring when in the the spaceship approaching forward. When entering the flying starship perspective, the problem was worse because now objects on the path have very different distances to the focal plane. The current solution is setting the focal plane as 0.03 to minimize the blurring effect(camera rendering multiple aspects of the object to create stereo vision). 

Starship perspective(2nd view)

Game Design


The player will play the commander of a star vessel. The mission is to collect as much energy and resources as possible while traveling in space. Energy and fuel on the vessel is limited, so players will have to observe and optimize strategy to use minimum energy to collect maximum amount of resources. 

Game flow:

1.Game starts at a galaxy chessboard view.

  • The center of the galaxy will be a planet.
  • 3rd person panoramic perspective
  • Players are able to rotate the star vessel around the target planet to observe the resource location.
Reference Image

2. Players use WASD to select a direction to fire a laser beam to destroy any asteroids along the way.

  • 3rd person panoramic perspective.
  • Asteroids destroyed will explode and release useful resources(electric energy or similar material) around its origin position.
  • Laser beam will highlight the asteroids on the way, as a hint
Reference Image

3. Players move to collect the floating resources along the way.

  • During the moving phase, perspective will be zoomed in on the star vessel, with a first person over the shoulder view.
  • Players use WASD to move(left to right, up and down) the vessel towards the energy tunnel the laser cannon created
  • The star vessel automatically collects resources once colliding with it.
Reference Image

Winning Condition(Temp): Collect all the useful mat from asteroids

  • Possible extension: have rankings of players use least energy(steps)

Features to implement:

  1. Rotation around the planet(reversed rotation of the scene)
  2. Resizable line trace with keyboard(horizontal and vertical)
    1. Asteroids change material while being tracing
  3. Asteroids explosion and energy generation
  4. Vessel movement with keyboard
  5. Energy collection as collides


  • Rotation around planets gives experience exploring 3d view
  • Flying star vessel along the way gives experience of objects passing through

3D Assets




