Project Summary
This week we updated BGM for level 1 and 2 and we mainly focuses on the Tutorial Menu and Level 3. Our goal was to have a full experience before Thanksgiving but giving the fact that 4 of our team member is sick, we have to delay the plan to after Thanksgiving break. We also playtested with Jess and in a middle school.
Current Schedule
- Work on Tutorial Menu for pausing the game
- Work on Level 3 of the game
- Playtest our game with Jesse Schell
- Playtest our game at Manchester Academic Charter School’s Tech Night Event on Tuesday night 5:30 to 8pm
What went well
- Update on BGM for Level1 and Level2
- FInished the image, text and video and part of the programming for the Tutorial Menu
- Finished the set deign in Unity of Level 3 and will work on programming the puzzle next week
- Playtest our game with Jesse Schell and iterate base on his feedback
Issues for support
Design & Programming Update
Tutorial Menu
This is the design of the Tutorial Menu, which will be displayed after player clicking the Pause button in the game scene. We now finished most of the code of this, but still need to figure out how to insert video in Canvas for WebGL.

Level 3
This is the design for Level 3 and we are still currently working on the code for the puzzles. The idea is to have the last puzzle consists of gates that looks like PICOCTF, which is our client’s name. And the last level will be impossible for the player to solve because in real life it is almost impossible to use brute force to decipher RSA. So this way we want to encourage the player to learn more about cybersecurity in PicoCTF.
Sound Update
We now have BGM for Level 1 and Level 2, they are similar but with some difference in terms of instrument and the vibe they give to player. Because each level has a different color and a difference, we want to use different style of BGM to correspond those difference.