Project Summary
This week we had our 1/2 presentation. And we finished the change from 3D to 2.5D.
Current Schedule
- Prepare and present our 1/2 presentation
- Prepare for 1/2 presentation
What went well
- Changing the game from 3D to 2.5D
Issues for support
Art Update
Below is the character of the game. There are 3 facial expressions of the character but so far we are only using one in our game. We might switch the character to different facial expression based on the state of the game/ player’s action. But that’s to discuss in the later stage of development.

The inspiration of the character is old mouses, which we want to pay tribute to the classic old hardwares and celebrate the innovation of technology. And the character will be floating in the scene. The goal is to have a cute and nostalgic feeling for the player.
This is the key that player need to collect in the game, each of them associate with a different cypher. After solving each puzzle, the player will get a key. In later development stage, the player can click the keys they collected and see the cypher information that the key contain to review, the cypher information is related to the puzzle they solve correspondingly, which we hope to educate them about the cypher. This symbolized the key to knowledge, each one of them unlocks an different types of cypher knowledge.

Programming Update
Card Interaction
In the 2.5D version, we updated selecting card from using “tab” to click and drop the card on the object. We think this is more user friendly for our player because clicking the card displayed on the screen is more intuitive.

This week we finished all the functional changes from 3D to 2.5D. We will need to update the UI later.
The puzzle uses the same way and cards to solve, but now it is more clear of where the items are in the scene and the player can have a more clearer overview of the puzzle because the camera is farther away.