
This week, all of us were hard at work to help set us up for success during our production phase.

Tuesday worked on storyboards and met with Brenda Harger to discuss narrative. Her main feedback was to plug the story into the story spine. This was helpful as it helped highlight what was missing.

After some adjustments to the boards, the team met with Attack Theater to discuss future steps and talk through the boards. We determined that it will be important to have a ‘playtime’ day where we test different ways to capture movements (ie: assisted lifts or trampolines).

Sheenu cleaned up a sample of motion-captured dance that Tuesday preformed for testing. He found that there were shortcuts to help speed up the clean-up process immensely.

Rick worked on several visual effects, which one of which is featured in the images above.

Our artists worked on environmental modeling and creating textures.

The closer we get to the production phase, the more excited we are!

And here are our final version of our poster design & half-sheet! They are physically located at PTC 1st floor! Please grab one if you get a chance to visit us!

Till next week!