Team Recollection

Team Recollection is building a VR interactive narrative game that focuses on how trauma affects a person’s memory and perception of time.

Our objective is to encourage empathy in people who have not experienced these symptoms.

We pitched this project because because there is not a lot of games that feature civilian trauma. Most trauma related games are of Veterans.

Public Release on : 11.30.24

Project Recollection has now been release on . You can now play our game here.

Our Project Pitch

This project aims to explore a less travelled path of developing a VR experimental narrative game for social change.
Here is our pitch on how we intend on achieving our goals.

Team Recollection Pitch Video

Our Final VR Deliverable…for now

As the semester wraps up, we created our final build. While this is definitely not the end for us, we wanted to share our journey until now.

Contact Us

Email us if you have any feedback or questions!
(Right Click on the button below to copy the email address)

You can also reach out to the Producer (point of contact)
Vedantika Chaudhary –