Week 4 : 02.05.24 -02.11.24

Can you see the Horizon?

We were successful in completing our storyboard! Woohoo!
During our sprint planning meeting we decided that this week marks our beginning for production. We decided that we had completed the majority of our preproduction and we can start creating and playtesting our narrative and builds.

As we decided last week, we worked towards finishing a playtest. Given the emotional nature of our project, it is important to us to know if the narrative is triggering the thoughts, messages and/or emotions we intended to.

Glimpses of the storyboard can be found below:

It was exciting to see people outside our team and ETC interact with our story. Their expressions of awe, shock, joy and melancholy inspired our team to work towards our objective.
We learnt a lot from our playtest at Hunt library.

  • We noticed that there were different type of playtesters. Some would choose to take their time and explore the storyboard and narrative, and some focuses on merely absorbing what was going on and moving forward.
  • We got a lot of praise for the use of color and contrast
  • All the guests responded to the somber, darker, more shocking parts appropriately which was exciting to see.

To further our research we sent out demos to our friends outside of Pittsburgh and had them fill out a survey at the end to collect their thoughts and reaction.

Another objective for this week was building our first Unity prototype. We wanted this prototype to be our first build. A foundational base to build our development iterations on! Below is a short video for our current build:

Next Week Objectives:

  • Level Design for our First Narrative Loop
  • Create two new extended iterations of our storyboard
  • Complete and integrate shaders into our main Unity project
  • Finish rigging, skinning and animation for the hand models
  • Deliver a blockout for the interior of the car
  • Consolidate playtesting results