The Foundations of our House, Part I
Team recollection had their first meeting on January 16th. We started off with structuring our team and knowledgebase.
- Anna Salieva – Narrative and Game Designer, Sound Designer
- Kesha Bagadia – Game designer and Programmer
- Meghna Anil – Artist (Modeling and Environment)
- Steve Goehrig – Artist (Rigging and Animation) and Co-Producer
- Charles Agriogianis – Technical Game Designer and Programmer
- Vedantika Chaudhary – Co-Producer and Sound Designer
We have set our official core hours which you can find on our door. Although, feel free to give us a visit anytime during the week, you will definitely find one of us!
We also had the opportunity to meet with out advisors, Brenda Harger and Chris Klug. We a lot of our discussion surrounded our expectations from each other. Because we a have 50% split between 1st and 2nd years, this was extremely advantageous for those who are on their firs semester project because they got great advice from Brenda and Chris.
Once we had straightened out all our administrative details. We went head first into our project.
Because our project was a pitch we entered the week with our own ideas and perspectives. After multiple lengthy non tangential discussions we now share a somewhat unified picture.

For project management we setup JIRA. We are wondering whether JIRA will work for our team.
To end the week on a high note. We held an internal “brownbox” playstorm led by Kesha with the current narrative beats we have, to see if what our current first scene feels like. The purpose was to “brownbox” playstorm and figure out what interactions people would want or expect.
We learnt a lot about our blind spots, unexpected things that hadn’t occurred to us. The two big concerns were that one of the support characters seemed unnecessary and how VR feels like for the user when inside the car. Both these concerns nudged as to re-evaluate our Narrative.
Upcoming Action Items:
- Creating a Narrative Outline
- Fleshing out the beats
- Setting goals for Quarters
- Working on composition box
- Facilitate second iteration of “brownbox” playstorm
- Research for narrative