Spring Break: 3/02/24 – 3/10/24

Early Bird is Early

The spring break was a much needed time away from the project….

….For, hopefully, other teams. Our team had tasks lined up for spring break.

While we were not able to complete all we had on our todo list we did get a very important piece of our game finished. While being invisible, it will prove to be a valuable asset when we have to inevitably crunch closer to the end of the semester.

Achievements for Spring Break:

  • Charlie was able to add a “fragment” adding system that will help us add content as quickly as possible
  • Meghna completed textures and materials to create more appealing visuals
  • Vee and Danni worked on outlining the current state of our project and start an official game design document
  • Steve worked on perfecting the rig for our character models
  • Kesha worked on doing some field research for VR games at SXSW!