Weekly Development Blog

  • Week 14 : 4/22/24 – 4/28/24

    Is It DONE Done? The team is tired for sure, but because this project carries so much significance for the people involved, we are pushing through. We have a shared vision. We have hope and we are slowly but surely moving towards it. We recorded the audio for Sam’s part and shared it with our…

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  • Week 13: 4/15/24 – 4/21/24

    The Beginning of The End One thing, I purposefully held from last weeks blog was our Playtest with Göksu Uğur. That playtest was a game changer for the team in terms of morale and direction. Goksu was our perfect target audience. Someone interested in serious games and comfortable with VR. Her feedback was constructive while…

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  • Week 12 : 4/8/24 – 4/15/24

    Winter Came as Expected The playtest went expectedly well. We knew what to expect from our build and where it stood narratively, emotionally and experientially. What we learnt from the playtest: The one big missing piece from our build for playtesting day was the Car Accident Scene. We have always known that this was going…

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