Week 11 Blog: Prepare for Softs

Softs Preparation

This week we are preparing for soft opening since next week is thanksgiving break. We will show the demos and documents during soft opening. For the documentation we will be focusing on the reason we made those design choice during iteration and in our current build. We also wrote our individual feedback including what we learned and what could be improved so those different viewpoints can be added to the documents and also the postmortem required by ETC. It is more about process: how we communicate, what went right or wrong. 

For the prototypes we have some minor updates instead of re-design some parts, at this state the gameplay is stable and we want to concentrate on recording what we learned so Roblox can learn from our experience even the prototypes are not perfect.

Meeting with faculty consultant Scott

On Wednesday we met with Scott, at the end of semester ETC will assign faculty consultant to each project team so we can gather some feedback from professionals.

Scott gave us some good feedback like make sure the friction not go down to zero and make rolling friction still effective so the players/students can understand the phenomenon better. For the assessment we want to increase the accuracy to get a better result so the scene is more logical and authentic the more accurate the result could be.

Client Meeting

In the client meeting, roblox mentioned that they want to see more contents about iteration in the document. Like in the history demo how we reduce text and make interaction better. And also including some reflection on the roblox studio.

Playtest in middle schools

This week we also went to Mellon Middle School and Highlands Middle School for testing. We received a lot of data and feedback from students and we also noticed that roblox currently is blocked in most middle schools for obvious reasons. We hope that in future there will be a educational version blocked the inappropriate contents so students can have access to roblox during classtime.