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  • Week 7 – 11

    Tech Side Progress In the past few weeks, we tried to integrate our digital game version and Vuforia functions together. Because of the limitation of Vuforia that the marker can only show monkis once the drone scan it, we decided to change our game a bit to exploration-focused. Failed Test : Not Enough accuracy However,…

  • Week 4 – 7

    Tech Side Problem In the following 3 weeks, we were working more on connecting the Drone SDK on Unity with the Vuforia. However, there’s a conflict with the functions of Drone SDK and Vuforia. For Drone SDK, the Unity camera receives data from drone camera, then renders it as a material. For Vuforia, the camera…

  • Week 1 – 3

    Our team started out testing both ARCore and Vuforia on mobile devices to see which AR SDK best meets our needs. In our initial test, we combined ARCore/Vuforia with the AR GPS location unity package ( to place virtual assets in real world geographic locations. We also created high-poly and low-poly objects with some…

  • Hello world!

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