
Design and build an extensible research tool embedded with game elements to collect data of motor skills through the process of learning Ukulele.

Our Goals

Train and deploy a machine learning model to
– Detect left hand gesture and identify chord shapes
– Detect right hand up/down patterns
– Collect data including hand / finger position, reaction time, and accuracy
Design and implement a game that
– Includes sample lectures of songs
– Is easy to add new songs to the game with different chords & strumming patterns
– Is designed from a perspective of “Simplicity”, to not become a distraction of the research itself
Deploy a WebApp that
– Can be accessed easily by anyone with a webcam and a Ukulele

Game Design (In progress): A song-driven game that has 3 phases
– Left hand / chords
– Teaching all chords used by the song first, then randomly presenting the chords to the player
– Right hand / strumming pattern
– Present a fixed (or a limited number of) strumming pattern and ask the player to practice it through a traditional rhythm game format
– Both hands / entire song
– Combine the chords and the strumming pattern together

  • Week 8

  • Week 7

    Working on Half, proceeding the space travel game Halves Frame out gameplay And bring the design concept to the game theming, we retain the original idea of a character traveling through space. Keeping in mind the constraint of constraining the path, the player Will be surrounded by a dangerous meteorite belt, navigating along a single…

  • Week 6

    Production: In the beginning of this week, we first came up with 10 pitches for a face detection game that using face as a controller. We come up with interesting idea, and also analyse the possible challenges that it will bring up: either tech challenges or does not align with client’s need.  Face Detection Game…

  • Week 5

    Week 5 Production: After the meeting last Friday and this Monday, the team and the client reached the consensus of pivoting towards facial recognition technology as our new focus. We presented four pitches to the client, and received feedback on them. The request was to design the game in a way that the players always…

  • Week 4

    We took our team photo! Production: Long Story Short: After considering time limitations, technological constraints, the availability of collectible data, and limited human resources, we have been advised to shift our focus away from the ukulele—whether it involves hand tracking, chord detection, or pitch detection—and instead explore face detection, which is much more accessible from…

  • Week 3

    Team Bonding Time! We had great BBQ and delicious chinese food. Week 3 Quarters Production:1/4 For the quarters, we prepared our game design ideas, but mostly, we are here to address our challenges. The biggest challenge for this project is that we only have limited time and programmers to do a lot of technical tasks.…

  • Week 2

    Week 2 Game Design: We prepared game pitches and presented them to the clients. We plan to organize the game in 2 stages: left hand learning, right hand learning, and a combination of both. Attach Game Design Pitch Slides Production: Client Insights Feedback from Game Pitches 1. Learn left-hand chords in a randomized order (using…

  • Week 1

    Production In the first week, we met with our instructor, Mo as well as our team members, and decided on the team name.”Stringers” Team meeting notes: Insights from Client Meeting: 5. Data Type for Research 6. Concerns and Open Questions Based on the discussion: we will be coming up with several pitches based on following…

By Entertainment Technology Center