Week 13: Museum Feature and Economy

This week, we worked on museum features. We updated museum visitors, manager Evelyn, We also revised weapon damages and debugged for a smoother combat in the dungeon.

Here are things that museum does:

Game Hub – spend resources, upgrading.

Allow player to make valuable choices:

1. Weapon to go to a harder dungeon?

2. Sell the rare weapon to people to gain more money and status points?

3. Display in the museum for profit?

Here are some of the player choices and stories after returning to the museum from the dungeon.

Three Stories

Player chooses to craft the weapon and uses for the next dungeon
Player chooses to submit the weapon to the NPC who made a request
Player chooses to display the weapon for revenue

Demo Features that we want to prioritize

  1. Dungeon Exploration and Combat
  2. Armor Choice and different combat style
  3. Weapon Upgrade and Progression
  4. NPC Item Request (mission)

Additionally, we have decided on the look of a level in our dungeon:

What Could Have Been Better

Even though this project is in a good state and contains a good foundation and playable loop, it is still far from being a product that we can use to pitch to any game company management team. A lot of the important aspects are missing or questionable.

User Experience: None of the team members had UI/UX experience. Therefore, the game has a very basic layout and interactions that can use a lot of rework. We were not able to provide clear feedback when a player interacts with the museum mode. 

Art Style: Art style is very inconsistent in our game. We chose to do a Pixel game but we also included characters that are not pixel in the museum section. Because this is a demo to prove the game loop, we could still use some more time, in the beginning, to define our art style better. 

As the project semester coming to and end, we are keeping it up and endng it strong!

Here are the tasks for our final week:

Final Presentation

Final Self-Assessment

Project Post-Morterm Report

Final Poster and half sheets

Final Demo

Final Documentation