Week 9: Weapon Progression Update and Armor Progression


This week our focus was updating the weapon progression based on subject expert feedback.

  1. Weapon Progression: Additional Design
  2. Armor Progression: Design
  3. Art update: character, weapon (3d model) 
  4. Dungeon Demo and Playtest Update
  5. Dungeon Maps, represent different levels

Weapon Progression Update:

We modified our weapon class into these names below. It was originally Excellent, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mysterious. But the Epic and Legendary do not really show a sense of hierchy.

We also added a few additional melee weapon types:

And here is a table of weapon attribute which can be used to upgrade your weapon for higher attack stats:

Armor Design:

Other than weapons, armors are also a very important aspect of player collection and progression. Here is some basic stats of our armor.

And here are some of the armor attributes, so when the player has a room to strategize when they put on different armor sets.

Art Update:

To make our sketch speed faster, we decided to feed our current drawings into mid journey to generate a few sketches of non-player-characters:

Ranged Enemy:

We also found this art on Pinterest, and this style fits perfectly with our theme for the Demo game (forest themed).

So we took the picture and animated this character to be our ranged enemy.

Art: Poison Weapon

We also created the poison weapon, which is something player can customize with in the Museum Demo. We created this weapon in Midjourney as well, then we 3D modeled it and textured it.