Week 14 – Final Week

How time flies! This is the final week of this semester. This week, we finished the SIGGRAPH Poster abstract and submitted it on Monday. For the rest of this week, we mainly focused on the final presentation slides. Poster Abstract Last week, we got feedback from Google about our draft. So we modified the content …

Week 13 – Soft Opening

This week is the soft opening week. We are very excited to have 6 faculty members come to our project room and experience the prototypes we made this semester. This time, we mainly tested our music prototype, reinforcement prototype, and VR Painting prototype. For each faculty, we started with a short description of our goal …

Week 12 – Final Week of Development

This week is the final development week before the soft opening. We really made huge progress this week. First, we finished the development of the reinforcement learning prototype and the VR painting prototype. We also conducted three playtests this week on the music prototype, VR painting prototype, and reinforcement learning prototype separately. Also, we decided …

Week 11: Prepare for the soft opening

This week has the CMU Carnival.  We had days off on Thursday and Friday. So we only have 3 days for development. This week, we finished a video for our website which includes our first three prototypes and playtest results. Also, for the reinforcement learning prototype, we finished the visualization and designed some levels to …

Week 10

Playtest Day This week, we had an official playtest day hosted by ETC on Saturday. Last week, we already playtested the music prototype from an engagement perspective. We found that novel interaction can definitely enhance the level of interest and raise users’ curiosity. So for this week’s playtest, we want to focus on understanding the …

Week 9 – Playtest for Sprint 2

This week, we divided our group into two teams, one team focused on the development of music prototypes and the other team focused on the design of Reinforcement Machine Learning prototypes. We finished the development of the music prototype by Thursday and we conducted the playtest for this prototype on Friday. Sprint 2 – Feeling …

Week 7 – Half presentation

This week is for half-presentation. We had our half-presentation on Wednesday. Therefore, we used last weekend also Monday and Tuesday to prepare for the presentation.  Half – Presentation Last Friday, we started to prepare the slides for our presentation. First, we decided the outline together and we split the whole presentation into 5 parts, which …

Week 6 – Before Halves

This week, we finished the user test for the garden sprint. We also did a comparison for the painting sprint and garden sprint. We had a lot of interesting findings which we can bring to sprint 2. Also, after finishing the sprint 1, we made a reflection and started to brainstorm sprint 2. User Test …

Week 5 – Playtesting

The second week for Sprint 1. Since the painting prototype was almost finished last week, we ran the playtesting on Wednesday to collect feedback from users. For the garden prototype, we continue developing it and finished by this Friday. Also, on Friday we have a regular weekly meeting with Google. Playtest We ran the playtesting …