A large-scale, multiplayer board game designed to shed light on the impacts of broken recycling systems worldwide. By experiencing the complexities and challenges faced in the recycling industry, particularly the ethical dilemmas surrounding plastic waste, players will be encouraged to rethink the approach to recycling, waste management, and environmental responsibility.

Audience & Context
Games for Change(G4C) audience comes from various backgrounds, our main target audience includes :
- Game developers
- Journalists
- Social innovators
- Educators
- Students
- The gameplay mirrors real-world scenarios, where players must make multifaceted decisions about how to manage waste on a global scale. Mis-sorting recyclables due to lack of knowledge, investing in expensive processing facilities, and ultimately resorting to cheaper but harmful methods like burning, burying, or exporting to poorer countries.
- Recycling sounds like an “overly talked about” topic
- Intertwined drivers and consequences (economy, ethic, government, etc)
Players will explore how plastics are recycled and handled, and the challenges associated with recycling various material.
What is UNsolved?
- A recycling themed board game for large groups.
- A social event to raise awareness of our broken recycling system.
- A game supporting UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.

Our board game will be available for purchase on Game Crafter soon..