Mar 27 – Apr 2
Coming back from the GDC, we spent a busy week preparing for the ETC Plyatest Day on Apr 1st.

Main updates & implementation we had in the Exterior world in 2 weeks:

on the controller

Jelly Fish (Creature)

To give more freedom and choice to the guests, we designed the layout / location of the collectible samples as :
1) right in front of the teleport
2) in a short distance
3-a) hidden in a short distance, but triggered by micro-interaction
OR 3-b) in a long distance

APR 1st, ETC Playtest Day:
We had 12 groups of 1-3 guests by every 20min. As we expected, we could manage 1-2 guests from each group to try the experience in a 20-minutes-block, which was in the range of 12 to 24 guests in total.

Our client Bobby and Brad also visited ETC and tried out our latest build on the Playtest Day during the lunch time. They liked the interaction and environment at the EXT. world in overall and were expecting to hear the result at the end of the playtest day.
Apr 1st Playtest video1
Apr 1st Playtest video2
Apr 1st Playtest video3
Through the playtest and survey we hoped to hear about :
– if the instruction was clear/intuitive enough
– if the tutorial helped the guest to take their first steps in the boots in comfortable way
– if the narrative was clear and helping the immersion
– if the environment / interaction was enjoyable
– if the walking distance felt right
Thanks to our advisor John’s feedback, we used images in the survey which was helpful in terms of reminding the guests of the experience as well as clear communication of which element the question is referring to. Considering the playtest environment, we also prepared questions for the spectators.

Our UX designer Jingyuan mainly worked on planning the survey questions as: Google form
The result can be found at Survey result | Summary of the responses