Apr 17 – 23
We had Soft Opening on Monday.
For the soft, we had the chance to hear final feedback from Ricardo, Mo, and Mike.
After we got the feedback, we polished and implemented the script, VO, SFX, BGM for the (hopefully) final version as well as the new layout, environment, and new level design elements for EXT. world that iterated after the Soft.
With such updated version, we met our Faculty Consultant Ruth on Sunday again.
After quick updates on Friday, we had Alumni Soft Night and could have 2 alumnus visiting us.
Soft Opening:

Feedbacks from the faculty were:
- PT.1: Learning about the suits with the visual/model of the suit was good –
makes sense why boots are bulky, heavy - PT.1-2: All the instructions inside spaceship was clear and good
- PT.2: Guiding footsteps the timing of the baby steps connected to a big circle and then being left to walk alone felt perfect
- PT.2: Needs to make the guests look down or the footprints more noticeable
- PT.2: adding elements (EX. Scientist lab, sample shelves) connecting PT2-3 inside the INT.spaceship would be nice (Could be a stretch)
- PT.3: Liked the overall EXT. environment
- Color palette is good
- Skybox is pretty
- Liked jellyfish
- PT.3: Scanning VFX animation is cool
- PT.3: Plants/Corals with the animation – hoped it was more interactive
- PT.3: Delete “Stably” from the VO script
- What is the team’s plan before the final?
- More interactions, Polish the tutorial, Polish ending
- Hope to feel more immersion of wearing a mech suit, Ex. SFX or see the whole suits
- Didn’t want to walk more
- Prob. because nervous?
- Level design might help (give more new things to try and explore)
- Text & indirect control – good
- Offering the info / data /visual of how much they moved would be plus & Wow

To watch the Soft Opening videos :
Apr 17 Demo | video1 video1(continued) | video2 | video3
Consultant Meeting:
After the Soft, we quickly updated on additional level design or interest curve by putting the 2nd sample on a moving rock, making 3rd sample collectible after walking through a lava river
From the playtest & meeting with our consultant Ruth, we learned that:
- As we moved Scan/Collect instructions from PT.2 to PT.3, we needed to give the guests some moment to take a breathe and take a look around the spaceship right after turning on the power of the ship.
-> We decided to add 1-2 lines explaining the purpose/consequence of the mission - For the walking on rocks in the middle of the lava, the walking experience obviously became more interesting. However, gaps between the rocks might make the guests insecure and lose their balance.
-> It seemed better to go with a solid terrain or bridge on the lava without any gap

Alumni Soft:
Feedbacks we got from alumnus were:
- The best part of the experience was the ending. When the credit goes up, it felt so cinematic and good. but didn’t notice the credit from the start so maybe indirect control added to see the credit as it starts would be even better
- If we haven’t told him there is second sample, he almost missed it. maybe make the second sample more noticeable or give the guests sound feedback when they scan..? Since rather lave/3rd sample side seems to be have more things going on.
- walking distance was fine. but not more walking…?
- As VR enthusiast, the wearing the boots itself was so interesting, and didn’t have much feeling like the boots pulling him back.
- when the scanning – the view being white and some how the views restricted made the guest wonder why. – didn’t bother as it is mostly 1 time experience and still enjoyable with all the new things, but would be better to explain why? or make it less restricted?
- As it is a VR experience It was hard to notice the first sample (right side of the center)
It would be better to be centered or give some more direct indication - Triggered the Scanning button right before the ending scene – didn’t notice the grass growing that significantly

We are planning to have a team meeting about the feedback above to keep on our final polishing & iterations next week.