Feb 27 – Mar 5
On Monday, we have done our 1/2 presentation successfully!

For the details: 1/2 Presentation ppt & 1/2 Trailer video & Presentation video (58:35-1:18:00)
Our client Brad and Bobby also visited ETC to attend the presentation and gave a good news that the new version of lighter boots would be ready for us in 1-2 weeks! Bobby tried the newest build and gave us positive feedback in overall.

1/2 Feedback from the faculty:
-Good UI choices
-Unclear on the need for text instructions, perhaps symbols & audio only, reduce the reading
-Artwork is nice but very busy, control the compositions more
-Strong choices. Art, design, and implementation well coordinated
-Liked that limitations of the platform are part of the world created (suit with its own limitations)
-Good/Obvious choice to go with the high tech fantasy, for the show floor
-Initially thought to be too conventional ideas but convinced it is effective for target audience
-Modeling is interesting. Think more about the lighting. shinny floor & dark space initially
-The glow as visual hinting really works
-Only concern on controls: why add complexity to the hands (for more focus on foot/walking)
-good incorporation of feedback. the plan takes advantage of the givens (i.e weight of boots)
-Great scope. Strong decisions on interface and level design.
-The Phase 3 flow visuals (from films and clip art) are really setting expectations of what the outside world will be like (to hollywood blockbuster level!)
-What challenges the outdoor world poses and how will that impact their time management?
-Concerned about the scope: Build whole EXT world + polish the INT details.
-Hope to see:
+ reliance on text reduced & give the player more room for exploration
+ interesting viewpoints and interactions on the exterior world
-Demo feels well implemented and well iterated. Playtesting feels effective already.
-Great that the team iterated on the shape of the world for usability.
-Good that team has a close relationship with the client.
-Demo inside space ship showed production pipeline working, the boots working, and can complete an experience. Expect the scope is right.
-Concerned about scope (Building EXT. env. from scratch). Suggest to make a wise choice
Game review influencer Jonas AKA Zulushi(Youtube Tiktok) visited ETC with our client Brad.
He tried our experience and we gave him a tour around ETC with Marycatherine.

Though our work was not included in the review video, Zulushi trying VR games in Ekto One boots and interviewing Brad from Ekto VR could be found here.
Second Team bonding to celebrate our successful 1/2 presentation and happy spring break!

Rock Climbing

Rewarding Team Dinner

Rewarding Team Dinner
Design & Development:
From this week’s weekly meeting, we looked through our progress, things to improve, and ranked priority. For the next sprint we decided to work on following user stories:
- [Pt.1] Guests get immersive feeling of wearing the mechanical suit / empowered
- [Pt.2] Guests can get the mission instruction more clearly
Scan/collect feature by pressing each trigger button with more intuitive animation - [Pt.3] Guests can see & interact with outside world
– Outside environment / Scan + Collect feature / Micro interaction with the creature, planet - Guests feel the heavy weight of boots make sense
– by adding lines/narrative related to gravity