Mar 13 – 19
We spent the week to polish what we have (Pt.1, 2) and design & develop the outside world (Pt.3).
For the user stories we planned, we set the task lists as:
- [Pt.1] Guests get an immersive feeling of wearing the mechanical suit / empowered:
– To add 3D model or 2D blueprint image of the suit at the tutorial inside cabin along the icon / text instructions when teaching the guests about operation/activation of the boots - [Pt.2] Guests can get the mission instruction more clearly:
–To add scan/collecting instructions with the actual controller 3D model animation with the trigger button distinctly shown, colored differently - [Pt.3] Guests can see & interact with outside world :
– Outside environment (Rocks, Terrains, Skybox, Stones, Samples, Corals)
– To implement the scan feature (When the guest clicks left trigger, scan screen pops up)
Information for major interactive objects needed
– To implement the collect feature (When the guest puts the controller closer and clicks)
– To give 1 small, 1 large sample then give a choice to walk little or longer
-> several small samples at closer distance or 1 large sample at a longer distance - Guests feel the heavy weight of boots make sense:
– To remind the guest they are wearing the suits with 3D/2D image of the suit
– To add lines/narrative related to gravity when they get outside the spaceship (Pt.3)

Art & UI:
To increase the immersion of wearing the mechanical suits, our UI/UX designers worked on building the 3D suit model and merging it with the UI layout. It was a challenge to fit the suit model within the text instructions we had in the tutorial. After several trials, we gave up the big screen for the parts where the suit is visualized and put the existing text instructions added as a supplement to the model.

At the same time our artists worked hard on building the exterior environment.
In contrast to the green-blue color palette of Interior spaceship, Exterior world were mainly using orange-red colors.