Week 14
In this week, we worked on continuing polishing our game and prepared for next week’s final presentation.
Project Progress
On the Priority, we:
- Add more clues related to Izzy in Night Club memory to make she more suspicious
- Complete the Video Trailer for our game
On the Tech Side, we:
- Update the clue information UI layout for 105 clues to make it more fit our game theme
- Update the character sheets hierarchy to make sure players notice there are some secret they need to hide
- Update the Ending video for both “Successfully Accuse Murder” and “Fail to Accuse Murder”
- Fix the Decoder Puzzle bug
- Fix another Image bug for Cybernetic Brawler on “Character Sheets – Others”
- Fix the bug that clue info can’t map correctly on detective
On the Art & Narrative Side, we:
- Add 2 ending videos corresponds to the result of players’ final accusation
- Add Credits video behind the ending video
- Update the Kaine Mansion Map and Secret Lab Map

Final Presentation Preparation
As mentioned above, we also prepared for our final presentation next week. Below is the final version of our presentation outline: