Week 2

Researched more games, brainstorming initial design concepts, prepared for quarter, team bonding!

Game Research 4 : Goose Goose Duck

Goose Goose Duck is a game with players separated to three sides – goose, middle, and duck. It’s kind of like among-us.

  • Pros
    • competitive
    • various identities with different skills
    • many mini games
    • easy to learn
  • Cons
    • need more players to make it fun
    • hard to balance
    • no much story-telling part
    • dead players need to participate more into gameplay

Game Concept Brainstorming & Game Design Flowchart

Based on all games we played, we brainstormed some game concepts or ideas that we want to include in our project, as shown in the graph below:

And with all these ideas, we came out the following game design flow chart: