Week 5
Game Development
Since week 5, we started working on the development part of the project.
As mentioned in previous blogs, our game is constructed with several smart phones and a host (Computer). So we use Unity 2022.1.12f1 and Photon for our development.

Rather than finishing the photon set up, we completed the bag system, collecting clues, and watch clue. Compared to other single player games, we need to consider when to synchronize the current player’s data to other players and the host in this project.

Besides, we completed the phase structure of investigation and discussion, and have a timer to control the phase switch.

Game Design – Narrative
After discussing with our advisor Prof. Chris Klug, we decided to put our narrative design as the core of game and system designs / puzzle designs will be supplementary. Based on this idea, our narrative designers comes out the clues that allow players to narrow down suspects step by step through logic.