Week 6

Project Progress

In this week, we have a simple game demo with rough structure that can demonstrate the idea of our game. We finished the selection phase (players select characters), the puzzle system, simple puzzle interactions, and the UI layout concept.

Puzzle System

In the puzzle system, players are able to view what puzzles they have collected in the base (in Fig. Puzzle Base), and by clicking on the puzzle buttons in the base, they can view the detail puzzle information. Players can also interact with puzzle by putting passcode to check whether the puzzle is correct or not (in Fig. Puzzle Interaction).

Fig. Puzzle Interaction
Fig. Puzzle Base

UI Layout

The attached are some UI concept designs for our game, which includes

Character Selection & Character Info Read

Besides, we now allow players to select character at the beginning of the game, and players are able to read the selected character’s background story, relationship with ava, specialskills, and alibi during the selection phase. We will also tell the murder player that he/she is the murder in this part.

The attached are the UI concept for our character info panel and player selection menu.

Fig. Player Info Panel
Fig. Player Selection Menu