This is an interactive project designed to capture the life, challenges, and enduring musical legacy of Mississippi
John Hurt. This educational experience aims to shed light on the authentic narratives, the exploitation of his artistic
contributions, and the enduring hardships faced by generations of African Americans in the Avalon, Mississippi region
during his time. Our project will comprise an on-site installation, complemented by portable and educational
components, offering a comprehensive exploration of this remarkable history.
For more information, please check out our Blogs.
  • Week 15

    This week, our goal is to present our final presentation, and finish up everything before delivery. For the presentation, please view this page:

  • Week 14

    This week’s goal is to assemble everything together, including the finalized animation, the finalized A Version of the narrative, the tech, and is ready for the ETC Fall Festival, which is a big stress test day for us. Finalized Animations This week, we finalized our animations. Finalized A Version of Videos Here is the link…

  • Week 13

    This week we received a lot of critiques for SOFT including tree adjustment, still implementing hardware, created spinning disk animations, and refining guitar-playing animation, re-recorded Chapter 2 for some text edits. Tree Adjustment One of the major critique from our client is to change the look of the trees because they looked too surreal. Therefore,…

  • Week 12

    This week we finalized most of the copyright issues, finished up most of the video editing for 5 chapters, and prepared for SOFT opening. Copyright Issues Most of our video contents are now cleared with copyright. We are still currently waiting on 2-3 clips. Videos 5 Chapters are finished and ready to be critiqued for…

  • Week 11

    This week, we edited more videos, finished up the young John Hurt animations, used laser to engrave the timeline, finished making all the static transition audio, but got a little stuck in the transition inplementation. We also bought various audio hardware so we can really make audio happen in the next two weeks. Videos Young…

  • Week 10

    This week, our goal is to process the feedback from the playtest, work on the font and preparation for the laser cut, prepare for the final video edit, and create an audio mix demo. 1. Playtest Feedback The result from our playtests is positive.  The interaction, after getting rid of the second knob, made a…

For more please check out our blogs.