This week we received a lot of critiques for SOFT including tree adjustment, still implementing hardware, created spinning disk animations, and refining guitar-playing animation, re-recorded Chapter 2 for some text edits.
Tree Adjustment
One of the major critique from our client is to change the look of the trees because they looked too surreal.

Therefore, we showed our guests two other options and see which one they prefer more. And they picked the one on the right.

Album Cover
Here is the album cover for songs. They will spin slowly while the music plays (we intentionally make it a slow spin for a better readibility)
To see these videos, check this link out!

Refining Guitar Animation
This week, to refine the guitar animation, which is the most important animation for our project, we studied into John Hurt’s playing style, and mimic his figure movement on our end to try to see how the fingers move.

Chapter 2 Edit
We re-recorded Chapter 2 with Charles due to some minor text-related fixes.
Plan for Next Week
- Get the Tech Working
- Finalized all videos for the A version.
- Prepare for Stress Test