This week, we are almost finalized with our narrative text. We got our hands on two radios and we started the process of taking them apart to see how we can modify them. We managed to playtest with high school students with our old radios.
Radio Modification Process

This week, we conducted our first playtest with teenagers from local high school.
Becasue we cannot get the system working yet, we are faking the test. We queue up 4 videos and when the guest tune to a certain channel, we use a keyboard to manually play the video.

Playtest notes:
- The teenagers think interacting with an old radio is cool.
- They understand the connection between to radio and the video content.
- However, some of them are confused on which knob to interact with. And since the right knob does not work, they are confused because of the lack of feedback.
Plan for Next Week
- Work on the script with our clients to finalize a narration version.
- Tehnical update, try to get the knob intergration working.
- Prepare for a bigger playtest that includes guest from 5-69 year old.
- Create survey for different type of guests.