This week we worked on the script with our client, made changes to the knob and interior structure, made some design changes based on the result from the playtest, and created surveys for the upcoming playtest.
Art Update:
After getting some critique from faculty members, we decided to experimented just a little more on our art direction. And here is a result of that.

A/B Final product:
How to use copyrighted materials has been a long time discussion in this project. Even though the project is for a non-profit exhibition, and the majority of our contents are in public domain, a few copyrighted materials still raises concerns. To be safe, we decided to create an A version of the project that contains all the necessary footage we want to include, achieving the most powerful result. And we will also make a B version, that only contains our own original content + Creative Common footage.
Technical Update:
This week we modified the internal structure of the radio by removing a part of it and replaced it with our own rotary encoder.

Design Change:
From our first round of playtest, we realized that two knobs are quite confusing for the guests. Therefore, we decided to remove the right-side one and leave the left one only for interaction.

Playtest Survey

Plan For Next Week:
- Record new chapters
- Update art content
- Implementing transition between videos
- Install TV and other setups