This week, we spent most of our time preparing to pitch our two designs to the clients. After the pitch, we received feedback from the clients and made content adjustments to match Client’s requirement. We also managed to decide the art style for the contents. By the end of this week, we have started hardware prototyping and finished with a draft version of Story Board.
1.Design Pitch to Clients
We presented the both designs to our clients. We converted the timeline we made last week (with correct information) into a list of contents, divided by chapters of the narrative.
Based on the pitch meeting, we realized that these contents, even though covered John Hurt’s life and true history of his journey, should cover a little more about the historical contexts. Therefore, we decided to weave in some of the important historical events into John Hurt’s journey, so it serves a better general education purpose.
We also started gathering a lot of public domain footage/photos which we can edit into our videos.
Our installation design needs some content to be displayed. So we created the storyboard for the content production and made the production timeline.

3.Art, Look Dev
Although we could find historical footage for most of the content editing, there are still some of them that we have to create ourselves. To unify our art style, we conducted the Look Dev on the weekend.

To save our content production pressure, we decided to mostly use shaders to create the visual, instead of spending a lot of time on the modeling and texture creating.
4.Hardware Prototyping
We have gathered hardware parts and ready to prototype.

5.Next Week’s Plan
- Creating a narrative (writing sample) for a portion of the content
- Continue to work on 3D Models, including John Hurt, Environment, and objects.
- Continue to work on the look dev.
- Exploring the software and hardware.