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Week 12

Iteration based on playtest

1 Knowledge: Add Video Preview & Learning Center

Without a video preview, players tend to think the video is still a placeholder and not interactable. So we add a preview picture behind the back mask.

2 Visual Feedback: Add Particle System

We also add more visual feedback to our game including the heart particle to indicate a happy full fish after the player feeds them, and the bubble particle to indicate the absorbing process.

Heart Particle for Fish Reaction
Bubble Particle for Root Reaction

3 Spacial Adjustment: Fish & Roots

Based on the playtest feedback, players usually find a bunch of fish instantiated in a small space, so they are confused when they cannot find fish when they didn’t notice that area. To avoid this problem, I developed a new random fish instantiation feature to make sure new fish will appear randomly in a wider space in the real world.

Roots chapter has similar problems. Some roots are instantiated inside the wall which is hard and even impossible for players to reach. After adjusting the position of roots, players can always find roots around them, which will help them to go through the whole experience more smoothly.

4 Sound Effects

We also add a series of SFX during the gameplay process to fulfill the experience.