Week 4 : Playable game + Examining system


Game Design

The role Gen AI could play in the gameplay experience,
1) Realtime generated response / interaction to user input
2) Customized gameplay
3) Makes every play experience different, Replayability Map / level design ( Making things meaningfully generated is still challenging) Interaction : Limited Dialogue with NPC (Chat GPT) to be tested in 2wks


  • Used Midjourney to create texture for placeholder. This process takes less time while our team could clearly deliver the aesthetic to instructors
  • Implementing AI generated asset into games; image generation, applying alpha, testing in the world


  • Used mid journey to create Start scene and end scene user interface for the first prototype.
  • Start Scene: Mid Journey,. Niji 5, Prompt: supermarket https://s.mj.run/v3Q2YGVhQts https://s.mj.run/J3z1b1IN_H8 https://s.mj.run/7Nusua_yf6U –ar 16:9 –s 250 –v 5.2 – Image #2


Built playable game demo with basic features:
-Tagging (winning/losing condition for P1, P2)

Built the system getting user input as text prompt – connecting Gen AI – generating image as 2D asset in UE scene