Week 11 Wrapping up! – April 5th, 2024


Adding more vitality in!

As Flow is approaching the closing stage in the development phase, we’ve made more detailed refinements to the world. 

[New tree growth animation and variation]

[Let the wind in~]

[Indication outline for interactable objects]

[Scene 4 art style processing: Keyframes ->  texturize with watercolor style]

[Watch the leaves falling~]

[Firework VFX: 2 different shapes * 3 different colors = 6 variations]

[Back to Cave]

Tasks Done This Week:

  • Art
    • General: Hand particles brighter and smaller
    • Scene 3
      • Add dynamic to the background (bushes, tree swaying, falling leaves)
      • Interactable object material (highlight)
    • Scene 5
      • floating fire blinking VFX (for interaction)
  • Sound
    • Scene 2 updated music edit & upload
    • Scene 4/5/6 music
    • SFX
      • Scene 1 trigger updates, scene 3 updates wind, sc 5 interactable objects, sc 6 firework variations
      • Interaction feedback
  • Programming & gameplay 
    • Implement interactions in Scene 5
    • Complete flow for switching between sequences and interactions
    • Add fog revealing into sequencer
    • Test Scene 4 movie playing in cavern
    • Implement Scene 1 Kinect controller and create an interface to communicate with existing Vive tracking controller

  • Props: Lantern + mini LED light

[Cutscene draft]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Plan for Next Week 

  • Playtest day reflection
  • Update weekly tasks list
    • Eclipse 🌔🌕🌖
    • Spring Carnival 🎡