Week 12 Refine! – April 12th, 2024


Coming back on Monday, Team Flow made further reflection upon all the feedback we gathered from the Playtest Day. We met as a team to rank the tasks priority after each individual listing their own:

  • Sc 1 waking up the spirit too long (sound + visual), limit/ reduce interaction effort
  • Sc 2
    • Deer crying SFX 
    • Dancer hand particle disable (when no interaction)
  • Sc 3
    • Add fog blocking (test in cavern)
      • Hide the firepit for previous two levels with fog, slowly appears on the Fall season (level 3)
      • Flower in sc 3? (Need texture)
    • Tree: less effort/ less moves (limit the number of times)
      • Scale the tree smaller
    • VFX (fire embers ) + SFX (fire/ wind)
    • Dancer hand particle for all three interaction levels
    • Update new mocap for dancer 
    • Falling leaves implement (framerate has to be tested might look weird in cavern)
  • Sc 4
    • slower down overall pace
    • Dancer falling down animation
  • Sc 5 
    • Tree / cloud outline 
    • Tree leaves tint yellow in Unreal
    • Cloud level design (no cloud bus)
      • 2 jumps? Add one more cloud
      • (or Make the cloud expand)
    • Fire: only appears on L3
      • A little bigger 
  • Sc 6 
    • Interaction
      • Firework: add some in front of the temple (test)
        • hand particle remap 
        • Dancer revive interaction (?): have the circle on the ground first 
  • Hand particle add light, color change to blue 
  • Hand hint appears if no interaction for 10 – 15 seconds 
  • BGM Fade Out
  • Loading time too long, reprogram Kinect so that it stays on between scenes changing.

As we were still in the process of refining details, we had another demonstration to our instructor. With several implementations updated in Flow, this playtest has shown certain improvements.

(The yellow outline for interactable object became more obvious)

(The Fire only appears when guests enter level 3)

(Needs more visual interaction feedback in front of the temple)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Plan for Next Week 

  1. Soft opening & feedback followup & reflection
  2. All scenes detailed-tasks list check off

Keep refining! Approaching the almost-almost-perfect.
