
Flow started Week 13 with the Soft Opening Day— aka the “previews”, the “beta release”, the “believed-fully-ready” but “with several few kinks”.
On Monday morning, Team Flow has been demonstrating our experience to several groups of faculty guests. With the amount of accomplished qualified work, we’ve received massive amounts of positive feedback. We also carried out a list of to-do tasks with careful scope & time-control.

- Sc 3 mocap tree/ new for l2 &3
- Dancer hair
- SFX fire
- SFX rain & thunder starts earlier
- VFX fire embers
- Sequencer
- Winter longer
- Season change
- Credit page at the end (team-names, music, art assets)
- Sc 4 slower-er, gradually showing each scene
- sc 4 world guiding particles (right to left)
- Sc 5
- Scale the starting fire bigger
- Cloud
- Sc 6
- Firework start from the ground
- Firework VFX variation
- Music
- Firework start from the ground
- Final presentation video recording
- SFX beeping (for intractable session) with lower volume, gradually raising pitch, only beeping when there is no /wrong interaction
- Host narration refine, add more story context, more storytelling language instead of the mechanic itself (eg. “bring life to the tree” instead of “raise your hand”)

Coffee Session Reopening Tomorrow! “Save ur weekly caffeine quota!”

And, Yes, We had another Team Coffee Session!! ☕️🍞♨️

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Plan for Next Week
- SFX refine & update
- Credit page finalize
- Demo-demo-demo (+feedback)
- Final video record
🎆Keep launching fireworks!!🎇