Week 3 – Digital Prototype & Quarter

Design Sprint: 3

Digital Prototype Iteration & Playtest


  • As per client feedback, our goal this week was to build a simple digital prototype showcasing multiplayer capabilities using Photon and highlighting the new gameplay mechanics proposed by our client
  • Replace roles’ name with Explorer and Selecter
  • Goal: The two players must work together to find and categorize mysterious creatures named Opachis into “Good Kids” and “Bad Kids”
    • Explorer explores the environment and submits Opachis’ information to Selecter
    • Selecter needs to categorize the Opachi as Good/Bad
  • The system offers Right/Wrong feedback, and based on that, two roles need to figure out the Good Opachis’ pattern

Test Link: https://moontwist11.itch.io/haiv2 

Password: opachi

Risks under current demo

How to:

  • Create bigger strategy-building space? Allow both players to make more complex decisions?
  • Make the communication between 2 roles more collaborative?
  • Also give Explorer an increasing difficulty curve?
  • Create more “Aha” moments?
  • Differentiate information for the two players/roles?
  • Give players stronger feedback for their strategy & categorization?

Creature Opachi Design

Poster Design

Quarter Feedback

Next Week, Maybe… 

  • Iterate gameplay based on Quarter feedback and discussion with clients
  • Playtest iterated demo
  • Iterate Opachi design

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