For the first week, the team members had a chance to meet and get to know each other. We have 7 people and a fairly well distributed engineering, art and design power. We are all really excited for this semester and creating something fun and meaningful.
We kicked off the first meeting with our faculties Tom Corbett and Shirley Saldamarco. After a short introduction, we went over many logistics and Tom and Shirley has given us many good advice about delivering a good project.
We met with our client Stephan Caspar, director of Askwith Kenner Global Languages & Cultures Room (referred to as glc room). Our task is to design a storytelling, immersive experience in the glc room to catch more people attention on cultures and languages. The room is pretty impressive with many interesting setups: VR headsets, multiple workstations and an immersive room with 360 true-depth camera and projector.
Later we met internally and started brainstorming ideas. The team has came up with many fantastic ideas about rivers, folktales etc. We exchanged comments and managed to narrow down the options to 4 topics. We plan to come up with more details in the weekend and share it with the faculty and client for their advice.
Last and most importantly, we also came up with the Team name: Hermes (in Greek Mythology the Messenger of the Gods).
For next week:
- Make a composition box
- Make a decision on the theme
- Start thinking about mechanism, interactions etc