Week 7.5- Time Stops for No Little Big Engineer

It’s Fall Break, but the Little Big Engineers toil on. Because the whole team will be gone for IAAPA in Week 11, and Lori will also be gone for two days of Week 10 for the Toronto Metropolitan University Thrill Design Invitational, we worked a modified core hours schedule while our classmates were away. Despite no faculty in the building and no playtesters to be found, it was still a very productive week, and we were actually able to work efficiently enough for a four-day weekend!

Christine Barnes demonstrates prop making techniques to team members Cleo and Lori.

Week 5: Bringing the Magic

This week we conducted a paper playtest, received a variety of feedback, and made huge progress in several different domains of the project. We struggled to integrate all of the pieces of progress together into one cohesive whole, but by the end of the week, we felt much more confident for week 6.