Video Demo:
In this week’s demo, we experimented with adding trail to the graphics so we can design around the latency.
Performer Number Modified
Based on this week’s meeting with Mikael, the number of performers are changed from 5 to 4.
Projector Latency Test Result
Here is the Projector Latency Test Result. In this result, we have measured the latency problem of in number and compared different projectors. From the test, the IDeATe projector does seem to perform very well in terms of latency, but the throw distance is not suitable for the experience. In order to get the best performance quality, our conclusion is to get a BenQ TK700STi Gaming Projector.

We then filed a request to purchase this projector for next week’s testing. By the time writing this blog, we are waiting for the projector to arrive.
IR Test (Azure Kinect Latency Performance)

While we almost solve the projector side of latency, we are looking into ways of solving the Azure Kinect’s latency. Before, we were using depth camera and that is rather not precise. We also tried IR vision in the early stage of the testing. Even though the latency is good, the vision was very dark, so we gave up on that. Now we are picking it back because we got an IR illuminator that floods the room with IR waves, which makes the IR vision a lot more obvious.
Visual Treatment Drafts
We have come up with 10 Visual Treatments for Mikael to review and critique and will modify and add based on his feedback. (Below are some of the examples, for more details, pls visit the link above.)

Alternative Fabrics and Plan
During this week’s test, we also played with alternative fabrics (retro-reflective tapes) and it seems to have very interesting effects. We are also looking forward to explore DMX lighting, phosphorescent pigment and other innovative/alternative media that will make this experience more visually interesting.