Week 4

Video Demo: In this week’s demo, we experimented with adding trail to the graphics so we can design around the latency.   Performer Number Modified Based on this week’s meeting with Mikael, the number of performers are changed from 5 to 4.   Projector Latency Test Result Here is the Read more…

Week 3

Client’s Step Back: After reviewing the week 2’s list of challenges for a few days, the client, and the producer on his end, Marques, talked to us, aiming to forgo the idea of motion tracking and replace this project with still videos for the performers to choreograph from. The team, Read more…

Week 1

Project Overview: This is a project for Artist Mikael Owunna. We are creating a tool/system to cast 4 visual treatments/effects onto 5 dancing performers on the stage that will follow their body shape/movement.  Each visual treatment is expected to be 15 minutes long (Total 1 hour), but loopable. (For example, Read more…