Week 5 – Landing Mission Complete

This week, we finalized a solid game flow for our game. Additionally, we created storyboards and concepts to illustrate the design. We also completed and packaged our first scenario, ‘The Landing,’ in preparation for next week’s playtest.

The Landing

We finalized the storyboard for the landing part.

We arranged components into reusable prefabs and show more customizable properties in inspector for adapting to different design decision

And optimized fist detection to make the work

We also added a ‘Screen in Screen’ feature, allowing the player to see the landing in a first-person view.

We finished the design of control panel for our Landing part. There will be a holographic projection effect of the rover controller.

The Exploring

We started our design and art of The Exploring, including the terrain and level design of this part.

This is what it looks like in the game developed by the artists:

We will jump more into this part while polished The Landing.

Start Menu

We add a start menu for player to start the game.

This scene contains background music, while the other scenes will only contain ambient sounds.