This week, we are implementing new features into the game and iterating on our control panel for the Exploring Scenario. We playtested our progress and received feedback. We will continue to iterate on our work and conduct more playtests.
This week, we invited two groups of playtesters to test our game. The first playtester was John Dessler, a faculty member of ETC, who served as a consultant for our project. He provided valuable feedback based on his professional experience, focusing on areas such as the transition between scenarios and the improvement of narration.
The second group of playtesters were middle school students. They also provided valuable feedback about the game and identified some bugs that we had not recognized during development.
We also received confirmation from Jordan Reynold that the 3D model of Griffin has been completed and sent for review.
Programming & Design
This week, we integrated the minimap into the game. Initially, we considered using a 2D minimap for navigation. However, after several playtests, we found that the 2D minimap confused most of the playtesters. We decided to use a 3D minimap for navigation.
We also made changes on the panel to a disk shape so that it will be easier for the player to rotate.
We add an adjustable subtitle system to the scenes with scripts.
We also made adjustments to the VIPER’s suspension system. Now, the wheels will adhere to the ground unless the vehicle surpasses a certain height threshold, and the VIPER will naturally tilt based on the slope. We are still in progress with this and are awaiting the adjusted model and detailed design to refine the VIPER’s rotational behavior.
This week we added the game UI and its animation into the game.
We also created the Griffin Lander’s Engine fire effect.
We have added some of the environment signs and UIs into the game.
We also iterated on the VIPER’s model to better align it with our project.