Author: strimbol

  • Week 5: Playtesting and Beyond!

    Week 5: Playtesting and Beyond!

    This week we had our first playtest at Hunt Library on Carnegie Mellon’s campus. We collected a lot of feedback and took them to the drawing board! We’ve then created a new list of features to implement before out next playtest. Playtest Feedback: We got to playtest with Six people and the general feedback was…

  • Week 4: How to make a prototype

    Week 4: How to make a prototype

    During this week, the team has been starting build out major components of the game. We’ve created the level block outs for the two inner parts of the Vampire temple as well as the basic functionality of out two main mechanics; Shadow Step and Sixth Sense: Sixth Sense: Sixth Sense (Holding Alt) : Enhances the…

  • Week 3: Quarters!

    Week 3: Quarters!

    This week we presented the state of our project to all of the ETC faculty and got feedback. We sent in a first draft of our media materials as well as having out team bonding dinner! Quarters: Quarters happens 1/4th through the semester and is where each project team showcases their idea for their project.…

  • Week 2: Ideation

    Week 2: Ideation

    Now that we starting to get used to each other, it’s time to hone in our level concept. This week we worked on our gold spike and settled more on a game concept with the help of our project instructors. Gold Spike: A gold spike is a playable sample of the technical tasks that will…

  • Week 1: Get to Know Us!

    Week 1: Get to Know Us!

    We are QuestLine a graduate student project run in Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology program. The team consist of Kimi Du (level and game designer), Ayaka Morito (game designer and 2D artist), Claire Zhong (UI/UX designer), Marsh He (3D artist), Jim Zhao (technical artist), Howard Hou (technical artist) and Samantha Trimboli (producer).Ruth Comley and Ricardo…