Week 12: The Last Push

With Playtest day behind us and Softs on the way, QuestLine is preparing to mak our last effort to complete this project. From Playtest Day, we got a lot of feedback about our design and found some bugs. This week will be dedicated to major bug fixes and polisihing off the end of the level as best we can before Softs.


This was a big Quality Assuarance week so we played the build everyday and wrote up a list of bugs to fix. Our Trello is packed. This was helpful to identify issues but in the little time that we have left, we really have to start thinking about what take priority. That decision requires team discussion which is hard balance with the list of task we already have to do.

Moving forward, we are trying to prioritze bugs that take away from the overall experience. For example, the respawn changing the size of the character is a big bug because it hinders the player from moving around the level. In contrast, the voiceover audio currently only works in one ear for the headphones. This is distracting but you’re still able to get all the information.

Preparing for Softs:

Soft is an all day event where the faculty will playthrough the semester projects and give them feedback/advise on how to end the semester. This year, rather than having every faculty member see our level, they had to sign-up for 30 minute slots. Almost every slot was filled for our team! Yay!

What makes Softs so challenging is that every facutly member has a different background and therefore different interest in the project. Designer will want more explaination on how our mechanic interact with each other while, artist might want to know how we work procedural models into our environment.

To prepare for this, we created a sublimentary presentation with more information about specific aspects of our level. This way, we cater our presentation to each faculty member if they ask.

Next Steps:

After Softs, we have Thanksgiving break adn then Week 14! The final week! We will continue our journey polishing up the level and fixing any bugs that we find. The major thing we need to fix right now is the final boss fight.