With more research into Xreal light, we found it has a official development kit NRDK and a clear official guide document. Clear tutorials can be found on Youtube and Xreal’s own developer forum. It does not OpenXR kit which means we can’t transport the Meta project directly to an Xreal project. But we keep the on-course experience easy so programming in the Xreal project won’t be too complicated.
After research and comparison, we found compatible devices that’s in scope for budget. Now the Xreal light + Android phone is at around the same price as Quest3. We have hope to make on-course AR experience come true. Yay!

List of compatible devices.
After scouting the play area, we found new problems: It is compact and contain obstacles in player’s reachable area. Thus we have to scan and measure the precise dimension, digitalize the scene and figure out a solution in the game play.

Development Updates
Poster Design

3D Character Iteration
3D Environment Iterations