Week 4 – Feb. 11, 2022
New game design pitch
As a team, we made a rough draft for a game, teaching how neural networks work in a self-driving car. This will be introduced to the students later on in the course, and thus will be for intermediate-level learning.
Meeting with Pat and Phil
Pat and Phil really liked the idea and gave us a go-ahead. We now know that we’re moving in the right direction.
3D models
The art style that we believed would suit the best was a blocky, voxel style. It was simple and cartoony and worked well for us. Our 3D artist started making 3D models for the player car, police car, and traffic lights. They also added simple animations for the cars.
UI/UX Flow
Our artists made UX flows to demonstrate the flow of the game and showcase different scenarios. This helped us understand where we could encounter problems and how to fix them.

Our artists also worked on half sheets and posters for the team.

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