Week 9 – March 25, 2022
This week, the main task for artists is making the Intro level of the game, and the main taks for programmers is fixing bugs in the Level 0 & Level 1 and beaufity it in Unity. We also started to design Level 2 to prepare for the next tast.
Completed Work Overview
- Leslie
– Elevator Pitch Video, Arrange Meeting With Jesse, Playtest Arrangement, Webpage Update
- Hui, Sherine
– UIUX Design for Intro and Level 0 & 1
– Playtest Survey
- Rohit
– Particle Effects and fixing bugs
- Simon
– Level 1 Programming
- Abhi
– Intro Video
Intro Video
Intro UI Flow
Cover page -> Intro Video -> Vocabulary -> Animation -> Intro to game

New Particle Effect
Level 2 Design
In level 2, we want to introduce a hidden layer to students.

Based on the above Neural Network, the following is the scenario we think up.

Next Steps
Hui, Sherine
- Level 2 Wireframe
- Exploration on the art and narrative design
- Publish the game to WebGL
- Finish Level 0, 1
- Program Intro Level
- WordPress
- Evaluation system/survey for AIPI Instructors
- Blogs
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