Week 12 – April 15, 2022
From week, we start to polish our game. To track the tasks better, we create aa task list for the team.

Art Update
We changed the 3D view of the game for players to better understand their position.

We also created a cover page and named our game as Juicy Car.

To make the game better looking and followed the suggestion of our UIUX artists make two version of the 3D+2D interface. One is 2D over 3D, another is 3D over 2D.

We also tried to use color to express that the value changes in the valves.

Meeting with Stakeholders
We also had a meeting with our stakeholders to talk about the accuracy of the game content and change a lot details accrodingly.
One of the most important feedback is that “changing the weights should be making the car more correct, not does the car go or not” and includes an error in the game because this is how the network corrects itself.
Based on that, we designed a Test Case to be shown at the Feedback Page

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