Author: sclong

  • Week 9: Playtest & Iterations

    Week 9: Playtest & Iterations

    Mar 18 – 22, 2024 Most of the team is off to GDC this week, the rest of the team is focusing on implementing new design decisions, creating physical prototypes, then playtest and iterate gameplay. Design update: Art pipeline: Component Studio Prototyping and playtesting: After playtesting with Chris, we were able to reduce our complex…

  • Week 7 Halves: Major Pivot

    Week 7 Halves: Major Pivot

    Overview: On Monday, we presented our new gameplay to the faculty. The feedback we received showed concern over our progress, the direction we were headed, and the viability of our plans moving forward. After careful consideration, we decided to pivot our focus to the global recycling system. Read more to find out the challenges we…