March 11 — 15, 2024
After spring break, our team resumed work on our prototype, concentrating on the third stage where recyclable garbage enters the global trading market. We researched the policies of four representative countries: the United States (a major exporter), China (a former major importer), Germany (with strong national controls), and Sri Lanka (a significant importer with lax regulations). These countries serve as the models for the nations in our game, with in-game policies reflecting their real-world counterparts.
Instructor Meeting:
Upon developing our prototype version on Tuesday, we presented it to Dave on Wednesday, receiving valuable feedback:
- Create a presentation linking the game to our overarching goal.
- Use fictional countries inspired by real ones to prevent displaying error messages to players.
- Begin developing the card design pipeline.
As a board game, our progress heavily relies on our artist for card and asset creation. We aimed to have a demo for each card type by the weekend. In a separate meeting with Dave on Thursday, our designer Lydia discussed design adjustments, with Dave suggesting:
- Simplify by focusing on plastic recycling and reuse among recyclable materials.
- Transform the monetary system into recycling plants to maintain the emphasis on recycling over profit.
- Design the game board to include incineration plants, landfills, ocean dumps, and recycling plants.
By week’s end, we achieved a more complete prototype, including a demo of the cards.